Web 3.0?

Official Start Time: 10:00 p.m.
Date: 12/13/08
Official End Time: 11:00 p.m.

So I was talking to my brother and it was one of those deep talks where we conclude thing that might make typically make no sense but matter to us and will matter to the rest of the world. The conversations can last forever and are typically ended with us drifting into the night and then waking up to our everyday lives.

Today's conversation which has been one that has really come up more often since Sophomore year and all the cool stuff I have been working on is Web 2.0 and what awaits us in the next couple of years. Web 2.0 is known for the sharing of information amongst users and the feedback people are able to get back with this input. You share a video, a blog, a picture and people can leave you a comment or pass the information along providing endless possibilities to your work and what might be the work of others.

All this sharing is great but what really makes the impact of Web 2.0 felt is the coming together of people from all parts of the world on something great and wonderful. Technology is constantly growing and it doesn't take much for us to come together and do things online that would typically take face to face contact. However, it seems like we're doing more sharing more than collaborating. The collaborating we are doing with the information available is great but I feel that the next direction for the web is creating stuff with this information.

We've seen it take place through online courses and movements that are being made everyday and how it will make it easier for students in distant countries to take part in such experiences. The idea is that we're using new technology to break down the brick walls that stand in the way of the everyday student. More importantly we're becoming more efficient with the things we do and the purpose these things will have. The impact these movements will be making is what will make "Web 3.0" different and more dynamic than "Web 2.0"

Open source media is another thing that will allow us to reach that stage. Free software like this allows anyone to create something they have a passion for and possibly inspire change. The impact their project is able to create is what inspires people to do things like that or even better. The world is always evolving and I hope that I can evolve with it if not play an active role in its evolution into Web 3.0.

"Daft Punk: Harder: Better, Faster, Stronger"
random quote . . . I know

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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