Official Start Time: 10:00 p.m.
Date: 12/24/08
Official End Time: 11:00 p.m.
Another one of my favorite Christmas specials. This one however has a deeper message. It discusses the true meaning of Christmas and whether the holiday has been commercialized? Has our greed made this holiday just another reason to spend money or does the good will and bliss that makes this holiday so special still exist?
In the spiritual view, Christmas is celebrated by those who believe in Jesus in which they celebrate his birth. Overtime however Christmas has become commercialized to the point where our schools, our newspapers, and our students all share the holiday cheer even if they aren't Christian, Catholic, etc. The holiday in my opinion encompasses more than our religious views. Christmas is really about coming together with family and friends and showing them how much you care. We share a meal, a story, and we meet middle ground. We forget about all the bad things in our lives and remember that as long as we live we have reason to be happy. The gifts only add to the holiday and only express how much we care for the person.
No presents or hundreds of presents, it's all about how much we care and how we show it.
Linus couldn't have said it better himself. Christmas is about good will toward men. It's about showing your fellow man how much you care and how Christmas encompasses a day not to well expressed throughout the year. Commercialism serves as only the snow over the hood of this holiday because at the end of the day we show our true feelings and grow to appreciate the things we have and the things we are yet to gain.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
Date: 12/24/08
Official End Time: 11:00 p.m.
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Another one of my favorite Christmas specials. This one however has a deeper message. It discusses the true meaning of Christmas and whether the holiday has been commercialized? Has our greed made this holiday just another reason to spend money or does the good will and bliss that makes this holiday so special still exist?
In the spiritual view, Christmas is celebrated by those who believe in Jesus in which they celebrate his birth. Overtime however Christmas has become commercialized to the point where our schools, our newspapers, and our students all share the holiday cheer even if they aren't Christian, Catholic, etc. The holiday in my opinion encompasses more than our religious views. Christmas is really about coming together with family and friends and showing them how much you care. We share a meal, a story, and we meet middle ground. We forget about all the bad things in our lives and remember that as long as we live we have reason to be happy. The gifts only add to the holiday and only express how much we care for the person.
Linus couldn't have said it better himself. Christmas is about good will toward men. It's about showing your fellow man how much you care and how Christmas encompasses a day not to well expressed throughout the year. Commercialism serves as only the snow over the hood of this holiday because at the end of the day we show our true feelings and grow to appreciate the things we have and the things we are yet to gain.
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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