Independence, Diligence, and Understanding

Official Start Time: 11:10 p.m.
Date: 12/2/08
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.

I'm gonna try to keep this short while making sure to bring my point home. The title is self-explanatory and relates to the type of people we are and how that will affect what we are able to achieve.

Independence for one thing is crucial if you want to be successful. "You were born into this world alone, and you will leave it alone" The phrase is harsh but holds a certain amount of truth. If you want to be successful you need to know how to fend for yourself. You need to plan for if worse comes to worse and being dependent on one too many factors can harshly cripple your odds of success. The less you have holding you down, the more of a chance you have to rise above and accomplish the impossible.

Diligence like I've said before is probably just as crucial as independence. Hard work gives off great results. If you stay on task, success can be guaranteed every time. You might face some adversity along the way but with every brick wall you hit, you will only get stronger. After a while, you will learn how to avoid the brick walls. You will become a tycoon in your field of expertise, revered by your colleagues and friends. All it takes is time and patience.

Jumping from 0-100 isn't the idea you should have behind any major project. You need to understand that the fundamentals are what give you the ability to reach 100. That the time you have is precious and should be used to build the fundamental skills that will help you reach the higher plateau. I tell this from experience and can only wish upon my fellow man the best of luck in whatever adventure he decides to take on next. I only wish that the person remembers to start small and remain commited. Take the advantage of the time and opportunities you have. The worst that can happen is reaching the finish line and not have learn anything at all.

As they say, "All in Good Time, my son"

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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