Reaching Middle Ground in Education

Official Start Time: 10:30 p.m.
Date: 12/17/08
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.

Independent studies and career choice courses do a great service to the learning community that encompasses the 21st century: they give the students the opportunity to express themselves and pursue fields and careers not typically offered in there everyday class. Technology today has done wonders and is slowly but definitely making its way into the classroom and the curriculum of our everyday schools. We are however conflicted with the economy and the risk that it would mean to break away from the age old routines of reading, writing, and testing our students rigorously; these were the methods that brought the world we know today into existence. But times are changing and students have more options. Life isn't just what you can get in a classroom but what you can find on your own in this journey for identity. Students today strife to stand out so they can insure a better tomorrow for themselves and their families. Times are tough and will only get tougher as we move closer towards the future.

The history of this battle however is split into two cases: the stories of those who were born into the age old routine of reading, writing, and rigorous test vs those trying to escape such a confined lifestyle. Those who were born into the age old routine know well what it means to work hard and strife for success. They have been in the shoes of these students before and know more than well that those who work hard are those who succeed; that is why they push us so hard. The circumstances however are different. Education back then was the only thing that stood in the way and doing well was your only option for a better tomorrow. Today students wish to escape this routine of "one road saves all". They believe that the world is a dynamic place and that together we can break down these brick walls that stand in the way of good students. We are a generation of dreamers who wish to one day make a difference and bring new understanding to the table. However our leaders and our representative feel otherwise and it is hard to argue such a case with someone who has heard this story far too many times.

Neither side of the situation can really be argued without the accusation and cynics of those you are trying to convince. We believe that our method is the way to success and abandoning it would mean total chaos. Of course I exaggerate but middle ground must be met soon if we want our future leaders to make the difference and accomplish what we today haven't: a solution for success for students today, tomorrow, and in the future to come.

Middle ground in my opinion would encompass the daily practice of reading, writing, and testing along with courses that inspire independence towards a certain career choice. We cannot abandon the fundamentals that allow us to pursue technology inspired fields. I do however believe that more independent movements in education such as documentary film making need to be more available for the everyday student. They want us to succeed while remaining under a restricted routine that dates beyond the life of our parents. Then why not build such desires into the curriculum. Give our students the option of taking web design, digital media, or film making courses as part of their road to success. Gear these courses into not just an elective but a project that they must invest time and depth into. The results will be all you will need to prove that students today are more dynamic than ever before and are ready to learn the fundamentals and use them towards achieving what we today could not.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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