Learning How to Avoid The Brick Wall

Official Start Time: 10:45 p.m.
Date: 12/4/08
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.

The Brick Wall

On our journey through life we take on adventures that we know we're doomed to fail. We ask out the girl who goes out with only the hottest guys, we ask for a loan we can't afford, and we take the risks that can make or break us. In all of these situations the odds are against us. The girl will probably say no, the bank will only eventually make you bankrupt, and you might regret the decisions you have made since that day. Not making the decision however forces us to question what if. What if we had made that choice? Would things be different: for the better or for the worse? It all comes down to instinct and how much we are willing to risk when it comes to making that choice. Sure there are obstacles along the way, but anything forth doing doesn't come easily. It takes hard work and diligence. The fruit of our labor will make it all worth it when we look back at the foundation we have now established for ourselves.

Success is a two way street. On one lane we have the common conceptions of success that comes with the millions of dollars, sports cars, private jets, etc. On the other lane is the more modest and appreciative side to success. The side that looks at what you did well and what you can do to do better. On both sides there are the brick walls. These walls made of flesh that almost seem possessed. Their purpose is to challenge you. Force you to prove that you deserve the things you have worked so hard for.

On the first couple of tries, you might lose an arm or two to the brick wall. The occasional black eye and cracked rib is customary when hitting a brick wall at 80 mph. However their is a way to avoid the brick wall. The easiest solution is to plan ahead. Start small and set easy goals that you know you can reach. Confidence is power and the more confidence you have in yourself, the more successful you will be in the long run. Once you reach one goal aim for the next. The brick wall can't hit you if you're always getting stronger and faster. Eventually you will be faster than the wall and know when to duck and when to jump.

The most important thing on the road (or roads) to success is diligence. Remain determined and committed to your goals. Take your problem as misunderstood opportunities. The experience you get from hitting the brick wall will only give you the ability to avoid the next one. It might be hard to accept but hard work is what gives you the chance to be successful. The road to success you choose to follow is what will determine what you do with that success and how it will affect you and the people around you.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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