Official Start Time: 10:45 p.m.
Date: 12/9/08
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.
I'm crunching for a new idea on what as a community we can do to make the Ningxia Dragon Student Ambassadors website cooler than it already is. So far we've built a pretty diverse group of members who add videos, pictures, blogs, etc etc.
But now we need to take it to a hole new level. The best things to do in this situation is to ask direct feedback from you, the users.
Below are a few ideas I'm thinking of things we can do to enjoy the site and make its impact more evident.
1. Scratch
Scratch is open source material that allows you to create games, animations, simulations, and anything visual you might have in mind. I have a ton of experience with Scratch and enjoy using the program to make cool projects and teach other something in a cool and ingenious way.

2. Animoto
Animoto is a cool site that you can use to make animated slideshows with literally the click of a button. Grab a few pictures your favorite song and watch the magic happen.

3. Video Conferences
A picture is worth a thousand words but one that moves might give us a better hint as to what the thousand words are. All you will need to take part of this experience is a web cam and Skype. The conferences would be dynamic and could really show what the site is offering to its students.

4. (Your Idea Here)
This is a community website, and as a community we should all have a word in what gets done on the site and the impact it should have on its members. Give me your idea of what new feature the site should embrace if not any of the ones listed above.
I hope to hear from you soon and the we can really accomplish something great and wonderful through the efforts we are making on this site.
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
Date: 12/9/08
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.
I'm crunching for a new idea on what as a community we can do to make the Ningxia Dragon Student Ambassadors website cooler than it already is. So far we've built a pretty diverse group of members who add videos, pictures, blogs, etc etc.
But now we need to take it to a hole new level. The best things to do in this situation is to ask direct feedback from you, the users.
Below are a few ideas I'm thinking of things we can do to enjoy the site and make its impact more evident.
1. Scratch
Scratch is open source material that allows you to create games, animations, simulations, and anything visual you might have in mind. I have a ton of experience with Scratch and enjoy using the program to make cool projects and teach other something in a cool and ingenious way.
2. Animoto
Animoto is a cool site that you can use to make animated slideshows with literally the click of a button. Grab a few pictures your favorite song and watch the magic happen.
3. Video Conferences
A picture is worth a thousand words but one that moves might give us a better hint as to what the thousand words are. All you will need to take part of this experience is a web cam and Skype. The conferences would be dynamic and could really show what the site is offering to its students.
4. (Your Idea Here)
This is a community website, and as a community we should all have a word in what gets done on the site and the impact it should have on its members. Give me your idea of what new feature the site should embrace if not any of the ones listed above.
I hope to hear from you soon and the we can really accomplish something great and wonderful through the efforts we are making on this site.
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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