Progress Report for December

Official Start Time: 9:25 p.m.
Date: 12/31/08
Official End Time: 10:00 p.m.

It's the end of the month and I guess the end of the of the year in a couple of hours. 2008 was interesting...Barack Obama was elected president, a lot of crazy shit happened, and I guess I'm indifferent to what lays ahead.

Earlier this year, I had made a promise to myself that around this time I would have accomplish a lot of great things. Although I didn't achieve everything on my lists, I can say that I did a good job considering the skills and resources I have. I'll always be a perfectionist but I wish that sometimes life wasn't always as limiting and that if I wanted to do something, there wouldn't be a 101 things to stop me. But I degress.

In terms of the site, we have a pretty good population of members growing. I've received praise from a lot of the people who check out the site and it makes me happy that even though we aren't as big as I'd like us to be, we're still delivering the same high quality service to the members we do have.

So for 2009, my goal is to still work hard on the site and get as many members as we can. To provide the same high quality service and be open to any new ideas or suggestions. And to really just make an impact in someone's life. 2008 is over, here comes 2009!

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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