Official Start Time: 11:00 p.m.
Date: 11/20/08
Official End Time: 11:24 p.m.
The world we live in is often perceived as a cold and horrible place. A place where no one is safe and its every man for himself. Our incentives lack purpose and oh to often we judge others before we even give them a chance. There's no logic behind this. We've gotten to a point where we've lost the childhood innocence within all of us. We see the world for literally what it is and have since abandoned the hope and dreams that once gave color to this place. I say we must keep this childhood innocence. We should keep the color in our world and make it even brighter for future generations. The karma will take of itself. There is no reason to believe that seeing the good side of a situation means being blind to the reality of the situation.
I for one am an optimistic person. I always try to look on the good side of the situation and give things the benefit of the doubt. I'm conscious of the consequence but am not going to throw in the towel just because there's a chance things might go wrong. If it were like that how would any of the advancements we have today be possible. We need to be daring. We need to look at all sides of the situation. And we always need to be ready for change. Ready to take whatever challenge life throws our way.
Seeing the world for what it is limits our ability to succeed. One can look at the world with all the dreams and ambitions that make it worth living and still see all the information that's out there. We can't deny reality nor can we stop and hope that things will get better. But being pessimistic and always guessing the worse will only stop you from reaching that level. We should be looking at the world as we would hope others would see it. A place filled with color and opportunity. A place that has potential and could one day resemble the paradise we have always dream of. A place that we would want to one day be the place we live in rather than the place we wish we didn't live in.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
Date: 11/20/08
Official End Time: 11:24 p.m.
The world we live in is often perceived as a cold and horrible place. A place where no one is safe and its every man for himself. Our incentives lack purpose and oh to often we judge others before we even give them a chance. There's no logic behind this. We've gotten to a point where we've lost the childhood innocence within all of us. We see the world for literally what it is and have since abandoned the hope and dreams that once gave color to this place. I say we must keep this childhood innocence. We should keep the color in our world and make it even brighter for future generations. The karma will take of itself. There is no reason to believe that seeing the good side of a situation means being blind to the reality of the situation.
I for one am an optimistic person. I always try to look on the good side of the situation and give things the benefit of the doubt. I'm conscious of the consequence but am not going to throw in the towel just because there's a chance things might go wrong. If it were like that how would any of the advancements we have today be possible. We need to be daring. We need to look at all sides of the situation. And we always need to be ready for change. Ready to take whatever challenge life throws our way.
Seeing the world for what it is limits our ability to succeed. One can look at the world with all the dreams and ambitions that make it worth living and still see all the information that's out there. We can't deny reality nor can we stop and hope that things will get better. But being pessimistic and always guessing the worse will only stop you from reaching that level. We should be looking at the world as we would hope others would see it. A place filled with color and opportunity. A place that has potential and could one day resemble the paradise we have always dream of. A place that we would want to one day be the place we live in rather than the place we wish we didn't live in.
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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