Official Start Time: 8:00 p.m.
Date: 11/4/08
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.
Today was Election Day, a day long awaited for by many Americans. This year we have two of the most well known candidates across the world in terms of politics. Each man has their own dream for America. Each man has different ways of implementing these ideas and each man has the follow through to carry out such ideas. Tonight it all comes down who preached their case the hardest and inspired enough people to vote for them and give them the title of commander in chief.

The 2008 Presidential Election has taken its place in history as the election with the biggest turn out of our time. People of all ethnicities and religious beliefs who typically didn’t vote, got up and place their vote for the next president of the United States of America. The typical voter of the 2008 Presidential Election was well informed and not easily swayed by the media nor its political games. This year has been the year in which not just American citizens but citizens from all over the world have known more about the presidential election and its candidates than ever before.
The diversity that this election has shown in comparison to previous collection is another major reason for the large turn out. The road to the election was just as important. Hundreds of dollars were raised and the word of the election became known all across the land. Children, adults, and students became active members in the race for the presidency. Never before had their been a women this close to the white house. This election has brought forth a diverse group of people interested in an election process that stands for the average joe and not the typical to the elite and wealthy of the United States.
As president, Barack Obama would represent the concerns and beliefs of the everyday American. He knows first hand what it means to barely make ends meet and have all the ambition in the world. Barack has risen above to set an example that there is reason to fight. That if you want something, you need to go after it. Barack represents the hope and drive we all have to make a difference. We all want change and we all want our children to live a better life, but we all need direction. We need someone or something that will reassures that what we are doing today will reflect what we are doing 5, 10, 20 years from now.
Barack's ability to inspire hundreds is what makes him the right choice for president of the United States of America. Our country right now needs reassurance. Someone that can establish a common ground on which we can grow from. The economy and more importantly the morality of American is at its lowest point in history. We need a president that looks out for our best interest and finds alternative solutions to acquiring money that does not involve American breaking the bank. We need someone like Barack Obama, a man with an idea he is not afraid to stand next to even if it means being ridiculed by the masses.
Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video
The 2008 Presidental Elections has finally come to an end and the president of the United States of America is Barack Obama. After 2 long years of campaigning and going door to door, Obama now sits as commander in chief of these United States. I have high hopes with Barack as president and am ready for the good times as well as the hard times. At my age and with my experience I have learned that life isn't all about what you as the individual wants, but what you as a group of people want. That as a united force we can reshape the world in front of us. That if we want change, we need to be a part of the change that is taking place. The American Promise of a better tomorrow to all it citizens is that much closer of becoming a reality. This election has had the biggest turnout of our time and will hopefully fulfill the beliefs of the American Promise and the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama!!!
The American Promise
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
Date: 11/4/08
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.
Today was Election Day, a day long awaited for by many Americans. This year we have two of the most well known candidates across the world in terms of politics. Each man has their own dream for America. Each man has different ways of implementing these ideas and each man has the follow through to carry out such ideas. Tonight it all comes down who preached their case the hardest and inspired enough people to vote for them and give them the title of commander in chief.
The 2008 Presidential Election has taken its place in history as the election with the biggest turn out of our time. People of all ethnicities and religious beliefs who typically didn’t vote, got up and place their vote for the next president of the United States of America. The typical voter of the 2008 Presidential Election was well informed and not easily swayed by the media nor its political games. This year has been the year in which not just American citizens but citizens from all over the world have known more about the presidential election and its candidates than ever before.
The diversity that this election has shown in comparison to previous collection is another major reason for the large turn out. The road to the election was just as important. Hundreds of dollars were raised and the word of the election became known all across the land. Children, adults, and students became active members in the race for the presidency. Never before had their been a women this close to the white house. This election has brought forth a diverse group of people interested in an election process that stands for the average joe and not the typical to the elite and wealthy of the United States.
As president, Barack Obama would represent the concerns and beliefs of the everyday American. He knows first hand what it means to barely make ends meet and have all the ambition in the world. Barack has risen above to set an example that there is reason to fight. That if you want something, you need to go after it. Barack represents the hope and drive we all have to make a difference. We all want change and we all want our children to live a better life, but we all need direction. We need someone or something that will reassures that what we are doing today will reflect what we are doing 5, 10, 20 years from now.
Barack's ability to inspire hundreds is what makes him the right choice for president of the United States of America. Our country right now needs reassurance. Someone that can establish a common ground on which we can grow from. The economy and more importantly the morality of American is at its lowest point in history. We need a president that looks out for our best interest and finds alternative solutions to acquiring money that does not involve American breaking the bank. We need someone like Barack Obama, a man with an idea he is not afraid to stand next to even if it means being ridiculed by the masses.
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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