Official Start Time: 3:00 a.m.
Date: 1/10/09
Official End Time: 3:30 a.m.

Now it sounds nerdy but you know pretty well that we all watched Pokemon at one point or another in our lives (you can't deny it). Some of us even collected the cards. How many? I'd rather not share.
If you look back to when Pokemon first came out you'd have to appreciate how it captured a generation of kids who weren't exposed to the internet and in general all the things we as adults fear our kids are being exposed to today because of the Internet (MySpace, Violence, Drugs, etc). Further more, times were different. Most people actually read books (I know how scary) and went outside. Now a days it seems like things have only made a turn for the worst.
In terms of how much I <3 Pokemon, I can remember pretty well collecting a lot of the cards. I remember watching the TV show afterschool (something that has been completely eradicated from TV since I joined high school). And I remember the stories and fond memories that the cards brought between me and my cousin. The bond and memories that Pokemon cards were able to form between me and my brother are cousin are what label it as such a fond memory from my childhood (you know I'm right).
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
Date: 1/10/09
Official End Time: 3:30 a.m.
Pokemon Cards
Now it sounds nerdy but you know pretty well that we all watched Pokemon at one point or another in our lives (you can't deny it). Some of us even collected the cards. How many? I'd rather not share.
If you look back to when Pokemon first came out you'd have to appreciate how it captured a generation of kids who weren't exposed to the internet and in general all the things we as adults fear our kids are being exposed to today because of the Internet (MySpace, Violence, Drugs, etc). Further more, times were different. Most people actually read books (I know how scary) and went outside. Now a days it seems like things have only made a turn for the worst.
In terms of how much I <3 Pokemon, I can remember pretty well collecting a lot of the cards. I remember watching the TV show afterschool (something that has been completely eradicated from TV since I joined high school). And I remember the stories and fond memories that the cards brought between me and my cousin. The bond and memories that Pokemon cards were able to form between me and my brother are cousin are what label it as such a fond memory from my childhood (you know I'm right).
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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