Official Start Time: 10:00 p.m.
Date: 1/27/09
Official End Time: 10:12 p.m.
I was in class today and this always seems to happen and with the same person too. So I was in class and we were discussing relationships and how it should be a mutual relationship. Now I understand the general idea and how a couple should live together, working hand and hand on all of life's problem. But life isn't perfect and often we are conflicted between admitting what we are good at and what we know we aren't so good at.
I'm talking about things guys are typically better at and things girls are typically better at. The battle of the sexes has been around for ages and time and time again it always seems like the guy needs to submit or the girl will think he is a jerk and doesn't respect women.
But isn't dominance necessary in certain occasions? A girl doesn't want a guy who always ask her what she wants to. Every once in while, she wants a guy who will take charge in the relationship and be "a man". It works the same way for guys. Guys don't always want girls who are independent and powerful. Every once in a while, we'd like to be reminded that they need us and that we still wear the pants in the relationship.
Writing this is easier than actually arguing it. For the most part, guys are quick to be called sexus for expressing such beliefs. I respect women to their fullest and I in no way want to relive the ideals of a patriarchal society. All i ask for is equality and that people could make up their minds and be honest with themselves.
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
Date: 1/27/09
Official End Time: 10:12 p.m.
I was in class today and this always seems to happen and with the same person too. So I was in class and we were discussing relationships and how it should be a mutual relationship. Now I understand the general idea and how a couple should live together, working hand and hand on all of life's problem. But life isn't perfect and often we are conflicted between admitting what we are good at and what we know we aren't so good at.
I'm talking about things guys are typically better at and things girls are typically better at. The battle of the sexes has been around for ages and time and time again it always seems like the guy needs to submit or the girl will think he is a jerk and doesn't respect women.
But isn't dominance necessary in certain occasions? A girl doesn't want a guy who always ask her what she wants to. Every once in while, she wants a guy who will take charge in the relationship and be "a man". It works the same way for guys. Guys don't always want girls who are independent and powerful. Every once in a while, we'd like to be reminded that they need us and that we still wear the pants in the relationship.
Writing this is easier than actually arguing it. For the most part, guys are quick to be called sexus for expressing such beliefs. I respect women to their fullest and I in no way want to relive the ideals of a patriarchal society. All i ask for is equality and that people could make up their minds and be honest with themselves.
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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