Being Open With The People You Know

Official Start Time: 2:00 am
Date: 10/12/08
Official End Time: 3:04 am

Today I was talking with a friend after seeing a show on MTV that frustrated me. Today's media focuses a lot on the concerns and interest of the consumer; sex, drugs, and violence. The media has such a powerful influence on today's youth and has the ability to inform its viewers with information they would have otherwise disregarded. Not enough however is being done to put today's youth on the right track and prevent them from experiencing things typically seen on shows like Maury, Jerry Springer, and so forth. The shows are ideally meant to set an example that viewers would not want to experience, but does the exact opposite. The message is often misinterpreted and makes light of an epidemic that is consuming our nation. We however can not not blame the media, but the morals that our youths are being sent out with into the world. More needs to be done at home to insure a better future for the people that will one day lead this planet. We need to be more open with ourselves and others; fearing not rejection but not answering the questions that could determine the person we will be 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now.

Being open doesn't necessarily mean sharing every thought or idea that comes into your head. If it was like that, we would've all have gone crazy by now. Being open just means not being afraid to ask questions and provide honest answers with the goal of learning something that will set us off better on in life. Sharing isn't always an easy thing. We may be embarrassed to share our experience or ask the questions that could ultimately solve the problem. Being open and willing to share your experience can save you time and pain that make us later regret not asking for the help we needed.

I think that being open with your parents, friends, and coworkers would be a solution to many of life's problems. Teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and violence are all common factors in today's world. The rise of these issues is something that must be addressed not only by the schools and movements of special interests group, but by parents, friends, and coworkers who want a better life for you, your children, and this planet. Speaking from a first hand experience and telling the person that the questions or thoughts they are having are perfectly natural for their age are steps that can make talking about such important issues easier. We are all capable of being independent, but sometimes it helps to know that there is someone out there who is willing to listen and act as a sound board after a long day at work.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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