The Creative Spark Strikes Again!

Official Start Time: 7:00 p.m.
Date: 4/7/09
Official End Time: 7:30 p.m.

We've talked about the environment and the initiatives being made towards a greener tomorrow but now we will take a spin in the opposite direction: we're going to talk about education.

Now, education in the 21st century has been discussed in the passed but I believe there are new issues to consider that like the environment or the economy will open up a new can of worms to be dissected.

As a student, and a bit of a nerd, I can admit that education is a passion of mine. I go to school because I like school. I think about science, technology, engineering and math the same way I read a book: analyzing the rhetoric that go into making such models. Additionally, I see education and life the same way I see language: it is a transcending figure that goes beyond space, time, tests, and life. It consumes who we are and defines the reality that we often take for granted.

Now before I spill all the beans, I liked to declare the switch and invite you to read along and share your beliefs and expertise.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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