Considering All Factors In Education

Official Start Time: 1:00 a.m.
Date: 4/12/09
Official End Time: 1:30 a.m.

Oh to often, education in the 21st century is often stigmatized by the presentisitic view that many use to label a generation of learners who where born into a world that wasn't read to handle the technology it was presented with. Several men and women have tried to crack down on the major issues in education but fail to make one major connection: how does money affect an individuals education in the 21st century?

Of the documentaries I have seen about education in the 21st century, I've noticed that the best students are also the richest students. Not just that, but documentaries in this field almost never address the educational experience of middle class to lower class students. I'm talking about the everyday student whose parents work hard to make sure their kid has best education money can provide. Students in this financial part of the totem pole make up a large percentage of the students in today's education system and should be given the same regard as students from the higher levels of society who "worry" about the future just as much as we do.

In my experience, students who come from a blessed background tend to do better in school. What is just said is very vague and can reinterpreted whatever way you please. When one considers the potential of a student whose parents went to college and a student whose parents didn't go to college, it's fair to say that the student whose parents went to college have a better chance of going to college and pushing their family onto bigger and better things. A big reason for the success of such students is the financial support they can count on. Many students in the 21st century don't have the financial suppported needed for higher education and therefore are limited to their educational experience as a lack of funding and support makes going onto bigger and better things even harder.

It makes me sick to stomach when I see students will all the potential in the world being forced to drop out of college or not go at all because they didn't have the money. Education should be a priority in today's world and shouldn't be labeled with dollar signs and coins. However, the 3E's of Tomorrow continue to strip many students from a complete education as today's leaders place a value on the future of our country. It just sucks when students are seen as numbers rather than humans.

So to wrap it up, education shouldn't have a value. We shouldn't place a value on our children's future and we shouldn't sacrifice their future for our own personal gain. Education in the 21st century should mark the birth of innovation and creativity, and not the introduction of capitalistic ideals in an "ad free" environement.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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