Official Start Time: 10:00 p.m.
Date: 6/14/09
Official End Time: 11:00 p.m.
Goal ~ To Finish All Summer Assignments by August 17, 2009
With the extra time, I plan to accomplish all other goals and prepare for the next school year
Additionally, I'd like to read the following books
With all these books, I should build a bookcase . . . right, bookcase
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
Date: 6/14/09
Official End Time: 11:00 p.m.
My Summer To-do List
Finish All Summer Assignments
AP English Literature and Composition- Buy, read, and annotate all 3 books
- Complete all four essays
- Complete all assignments before August 17
- Complete required assignments
- Complete required assignments
Learn Chinese
Chinese in Plain English- Finish reading the book and grasp all major concepts
- Finish the course and grasp all major concepts
Reading Foundations for the Media Literate Minds of the 21st Century
Spelling Book- Create a translated spelling book
- Create a course to go along with the book (a teacher's guide)
- Read the teacher's guide to Ripple
- Build spelling book and tools around principles used to create Ripples
- Create a sample product to present to Perugini
- Work on other language products (Spanish, French, Italian, etc)
- Acquire basics on other languages (sentence structure, pronunciation, writing styles)
Ningxia Dragon Student Ambassadors
Analyzing Digital Media- Finish the course
- Create pdf for the course
- Spread word of the course
- Catch up on the blog-a-day challenge
- Gather 1,000+ members for the site
Curriculum Designers, Inc.
Company Information- Finish the About Us, Our Mission, and Our Team page
- Upload courses for the community
- Gather members to participate in the community
2010 Summer Camp Experience
Participants- Recruit all 20 necessary Chinese-American participants for trip
- Make plans with Lane, Jassica, and Snow while in China
- Collect $250 service fee from each participant
With the extra time, I plan to accomplish all other goals and prepare for the next school year
Additionally, I'd like to read the following books
- China: A New History
- The World Is Flat: A Brief History of Life in the 21st century
- Sociology in Everyday Life
- Silent Spring
- World Civilizations: The Global Experience (text book)
- The World's History (text book)
- 5 Minds for the Future
- Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
With all these books, I should build a bookcase . . . right, bookcase
Other things I need to do for the summer
Practice for the SATs- Practice until I get a 1900
Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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