The Driver Seat

Official Start Time:12:20 a.m.
Date: 6/5/09
Official End Time: 1:00 a.m.

The school year is almost coming to an end but there is something that is still eating away at me and my stubborn head: the driver seat.

No, I’m not talking about learning how to drive but rather the way people argue and how they lack to consider what it feels like to be in the driver seat.

I’ve taken difficult course and with each my understanding of the world we live in and the people who inhabit it has expanded. I have read about ancient civilizations that would sacrifice people to pay tribute to the Gods above and about people murderers and psychopaths were traumatized as children and forced to commit the deadly sins we commit them for today.

Speaking of wounded animals and there actions brings up my theory on the driver seat position and how as humans we lack the ability to sympathize for these men and women who have been scared by jerks just like you and me. Justice is blind but at the same time the man holding the gavel seems to forget he is dealing with a human being who needs help not another reason to hate humanity.

In literature, superior life forms always blame the human race for its incompetence and greed. How we are quick to destroy and even quicker to enslave what we can. We are defiant creatures who push life toward our greedy desires and fail to consider the lives of others and how ever action has a reaction that I call the driver seat.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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