
Official Start Time: 2:00 a.m.
Date: 5/17/09
Official End Time: 2:30 a.m.

In the last couple of days, the idea of validity has been bouncing around in my head. The idea first started after a class discussion about resources and what made science more valid than plain old human judgement. Through the discussion, we agreed that both ideas are made in speculation and that we can never really know everything, that there will always be reason to doubt what we know.

This phenomenon made me question many of the other sources we take for granted in our everyday lives and if they were valid. Beyond science, how do we distinguish between what is valid and what isn’t? Is there a certain criteria we acknowledge when it comes to addressing the valid and invalid? When do we accept things for the way they are?

This phenomenon really just made me consider how as humans we venture into the vastness and into worlds that I sometimes questions why others haven’t? It’s what has separated us from the animals and yet at the same time has pushed us to be less like the animals as we deny the animal instincts that allow us to reproduce and survive in this world.

I still haven’t come to a conclusion, I guess it’ll just be one of those things you always think about.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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