The Internet

Official Start Time: 1:00 a.m.
Date: 5/19/09
Official End Time: 1:30 a.m.

Since yesterday’s blog was about copyright infringement, today’s blog will be about the Internet and how in a just world, it cannot exist.

I say this because in the real world, it would be hard for the Internet to exist without people being sued and all forms of commerce basically coming to an end. I mean it makes sense that corruption and plagiarism has been around for ages but in the 21st century, it has taken a new form. One that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg every time you download music or burn a dvd. The Internet has made it possible for information to travel beyond our borders and in many ways has made it impossible for us to control the way we share information. (I guess it’s understandable why countries like China fear the Internet and how in many ways it breaches the amount of control they have on their people)

From any other point of view though, I can understand how one can never be in complete control and that in many ways life is able to flourish when people are giving certain liberties. It’s been said that freedom will be man’s demise but I believe that in the right amounts, we can accomplish whatever we want. Chaos only exist where oppression is prominent. People will always seek freedom, not looking for it would mean take away the purpose of life.

I guess to wrap it up, the Internet is a good thing. It exist so that we can express ourselves and discover that in life, control is only possible when you believe it exist.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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