500 Members and Growing!!!

Official Start Time: 11:00 p.m.
Date: 2/1/09
Official End Time: 11:30 p.m.

Today we finally reached 500 members on the site, and I'm so happy we finally reached our half way mark. However, I fear that we now have even less time to reach our bigger goal.

The number of people on the site use to be such a big thing for me and several others on the site. Overtime however it seems like the site became less and less important. People began to drift away into their everyday life while others refused to take on the challenge that laid ahead. For some reason or another, it seems like I was never able to let go like so many others before me have.

I guess it really comes down to how much one really cares. "How much do I get out of each hour I invest and is it worth it?" In reality, we only have so much time to accomplish the impossible; something that when you don't have support or the resources necessary seems impossible. Towards the end, it seems like time and time again we are able to get a grasp of victory only to see success snatched away from us. And it sucks so much having to see that happen time and time again.

The walk home from the battle field however has to be the sweetest part of the journey. The friends and colleagues who greet you on your way into town seem to understand your struggle the most and congratulate you on your valiant effort. It hurts inside wishing you could have done better but it feels great knowing others knew you did your best. I guess it's really just an experience that we should look back on with pride rather than shame.

Sincerely, Hector Guzman
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